ACHD Announces COVID-19 Booster Clinics in Mexico and Vandalia


January 12, 2022 10:30 a.m.

 Media Contact:

Chris Newbrough, PIO/Emergency Planner


 ACHD To Host Walk-In Clinics In Vandalia and Mexico

The Audrain County Health Department is once again pairing with the Mexico Area Family YMCA and the Eastern Missouri Family YMCA in Vandalia to provide COVID-19 vaccines. This time, the three clinics, two in Mexico and one in Vandalia, will focus on booster shots.

Vandalia’s clinic, to be held on Wednesday, January 27th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., will be a Moderna Booster Clinic and no appointment is required.

The Mexico YMCA will host a Moderna Booster Clinic on Wednesday, January 19th from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. They will then host a Pfizer Booster Clinic for those aged 12 to 17 years of age on Wednesday, January 26th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Both clinics are walk-in clinics and no appointment is required.

“With the rise in Omicron cases across the United States, now more than ever it’s important Audrain County residents get their booster shots to maximize their protection,” ACHD Registered Nurse and Clinical Services Manager Becky Wieberg said. “We’re hoping those that haven’t received their booster vaccine yet will take advantage of one of these clinics to do so. There is no cost for those residents seeking their booster shots.”

ACHD Administrator/CEO Craig Brace said he’d like to once again thank the Mexico and Vandalia Family YMCAs for stepping up and helping out the ACHD in hosting these very important events.

“These two organizations stepped forward in February and April of last year to help us complete our mission of offering first and second dose clinics to area residents and we are still grateful for that help,” said Brace. “Once again, the two are stepping up to the plate to help us complete another mission involving the vaccine, which has shown to be effective in our fight against COVID-19 and, we’re grateful for the help this time as well.”

Residents are reminded that the FDA and the CDC have approved the administration of either Pfizer or Moderna for a booster shot no matter what brand a resident got in the first two rounds meaning they can attend a clinic that fits their schedule. Individuals who received either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine must wait five months before receiving their booster shot. Individuals receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine can elect to receive either a Pfizer or Moderna booster two months after receiving a Johnson and Johnson vaccination. 

Also, residents are asked to bring the CDC vaccination card from their previous appointments for their vaccine. This is needed so clinicians can look up the resident in the state’s online records. 

The clinics are made possible, in part, through a contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Chris Newbrough